Embracing the wonders and effects of social media does not mean losing yourself in the technology daily. Career development professionals have not fortuitously promoted work-life balance for themselves and their clients – they truly understand the concept of balance, which will serve them well as social media proponents. ~ David M. Reile, Ph.D.

FOCUS ON: The Importance of Social Media Skills
With 92% of recruiters using social media to find their next employees, it is crucial to be well versed not only in the different types of social media, but also in the effective ways of using them. Thinking about who to include in a social network is a good step, but what about choosing how to prioritize social networking efforts? And once you – or your clients – have completed those steps, it is important to also think about the best ways to use those networks, especially if a job search is happening when a current employer does not know about it. Read about guidelines and more at: http://mashable.com/2012/09/15/social-network-job-search/
FOR PRACTITIONERS: Helping Clients Use Social Platforms Effectively
In a world that is increasingly dependent on a quickly changing virtual environment, it can sometimes be difficult to stay on top of the most current trends used for job searches. As career coaches and counselors, we need to be equipped to discuss not only the most popular social networks – Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter – but also the ones that are still emerging. To learn more about all of them, including Foursquare, Tout, and more, check out: http://www.workingmother.com/digital-life/facebook-and-linkedin-and-tweets-oh-my
ENCORE CAREERS: A Social Network Designed for Older Workers
Research shows that 50% of people between the ages of 50-64 are using social media. Until recently, though, there has not been a network aimed at helping that population reach their career goals. Work Reimagined, which launched in July 2012, is changing that by pairing the resources of AARP and LinkedIn to offer advice around finances and careers, along with job postings. Find out more at: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/money/perfi/retirement/story/2012-08-01/job-search-help-older-workers/56623716/1
COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES: Learning the Social Language of Job Searching
Although college students in the U.S. tend to navigate social networks with ease, it turns out that not as many of them are comfortable with the guidelines for using social media in a job search. Do students understand that it is important to monitor privacy settings on social media and that there are additional steps they can take to ensure that they are utilizing sites appropriately and to their advantage? Consider, for example, the practice of re-tweeting, or checking KLOUT for information about a total online presence. Get more ideas at:
These days, it is a necessity for most job seekers to create a comprehensive, appealing profile on LinkedIn in order to ensure that they are opening all doors for a successful job search, argues Susan P. Joyce on her “Work Coach Cafe” blog. What are some concrete suggestions you can make to your clients to help them create a positive presence on LinkedIn that goes beyond the basics? Read through Susan’s suggestions here: http://www.workcoachcafe.com/2013/09/03/linkedin-sucess-factors/
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Instead of telling the world what you’re eating for breakfast, you can use social networking to do something that’s meaningful. - Edward Norton
Will the social networking phenomenon lessen? I don’t think so. - Marissa Mayer