Retirement “welfare” – what is it and who really thinks about it? Maybe only wealth management companies? Who else can (and should) keep up with such issues as life expectancy, the “silver tsunami” and the Global Retirement Index? Supposedly people enjoy dreaming about retirement destinations, but a more accurate measure of welfare after work may include consideration of health, quality of life, material wellbeing, finances of the retiree, the retiree’s family, and even the selected location of the retirement. Hopefully retirement well-fare is not an oxymoron.
~ Melanie Reinersman,

Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash
FOCUS ON: Understanding First
A turbulent economy, post-pandemic world, purposeful living, healthy activities and visions of life beyond age 50 are some of the thoughts of people facing a major life transition. Understanding the expectations and reality may be the key for both the retiree and the career development professional who aims to provide help. Read the 2023 report from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies.
ENCORE CAREERS: Retire Into Something
Rather than retire from something, where work roles wind down (along with responsibilities, financial security, and commitments), why not retire into something such as flexible work arrangements and sharing expertise? Transition tips for this encore may include planning ahead, moving gradually, seeking a mentor, pursuing passions, and staying active. Read one 70-year-old’s story and supportive ideas.
“The on-ramp to retirement varies from person to person,” according to Jennifer Landis-Santos, a Certified Career Counselor and founder of Career Wellness Group. “Helping clients manage their expectations about this significant life transition by providing concrete tips on the elements of community, routine, and structure will support them to facilitate and realize a smoother landing into an enjoyable new life chapter.” Read more about how career professionals can help reduce the stress of the retirement transition in Career Convergence.
JOB SEARCHING: Workforce 50
Online information to assist the job seeker who is over age 50 is available for free at The job postings for older or experienced workers can be searched by state and are labeled “hybrid” if that is an option. The Library covers relevant topics, such as “Finding Meaning” and “Strategies to Building Self-Confidence”, written by experts. View all the resources.
TOP TEN: Countries for Retirement
Based on four main categories affecting retirement (health, quality of life, material wellbeing, and finances), which countries might a retiree do well to live in (note, this is not a destination planner). Unfortunately, the US does not make the top ten. The highest score goes to Norway, with Switzerland and Iceland close behind. Review all top ten, as graphically shown by Visual Capitalist.
"Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” ~ Fred Rogers
“Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.” ~ Albert Einstein
#change #confidence #economy #employment #expectation #health #jobs #life #online #purpose #retirement #roles #strategies #stress #support #time #transition