What is in a name? What do names have to do with issues encountered in serving clients effectively? Remember when “spoiled brat” was the most common name for describing a child’s unpleasant behavior? Now it is referred to “spoiled child syndrome” and thousands of people have added to the Internet on how to “unspoil” the child. Trendy names of issues may increase awareness which can lead to searches for solutions. Whether or not a condition receives a name doesn’t mean it is any less disruptive to the individual’s career development. All deserve our assistance. ~ Melanie Reinersman, editor@careerdevelopmentalliance.com

FOCUS ON: The Helping Profession and Burnout Syndrome
Coined in the 1970’s, the term “burnout” describes what many in the helping profession face: extremely high stress, expectations, pressure, exhaustion, disengagement, etc. Before focusing on the syndromes of clients, take a moment to review the syndromes we, the helpers, may be facing – and the potential solutions. Read more about burnout.
JOB SEARCHING: Overcoming Corporate Stockholm Syndrome
When employees become intensely connected to their bosses, despite feeling mistreated, a licensed mental health professional may be needed to clarify feelings and transition to a healthier work environment. Stress-related symptoms (e.g., headaches, fatigue) may continue after the abuse is over. Regaining a healthy sense of self, sharing achievements with others, and separating work life from personal life are valid goals. Read more.
FOR THE PRACTITIONER: Integrating Individuals with Aspergers into the Workplace
Asperger’s Syndrome (now merged with autism spectrum disorder) creates challenges for the workplace, such as misinterpretation of nonverbal communication or misunderstanding of other’s intentions. Encouraging structure, order and routines can aid integration, leading to the success of the individual’s contribution to the workplace. Read more about the strengths, challenges and employer responsibilities from Career Convergence.
Defined as women bosses being mean to female colleagues, the queen bee syndrome manifests itself in behaviors such as gossiping, stealing friendships, and social exclusion or isolation. The queen bee may hinder another woman’s advancement due to fear of competition. However, the question was raised whether men are just as “mean” to male colleagues, but due to stereotypes (i.e., women should be nice), the queen bee gets judged harshly. Read more at Entrepreneur.com
TOP TEN: Techniques to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Attributing success to luck is a general way of looking at a syndrome that has been experienced at least once by 70% of the population. Turning feelings into gratitude can help the “imposter” get past the anxiety and depression, so as to begin to internalize the experience of success. Stop comparing is another technique. Read all ten.
“We live in societies that if we are not true to ourselves, someone else will determine the truth for you.” ~ Malebo Sephodi
“To be successful, one has to be one of three bees – the queen bee, the hardest working bee, or the bee that does not fit in. One success is inherited, and the the next one is earned. While the last one is self-sought, self-served, and happens on its own terms.” ~ Suzy Kassem