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Change Happens: Aim for a Blend of Introspect, Retrospect and Prospect

Writer's picture: Melanie ReinersmanMelanie Reinersman

Updated: May 27, 2020

Some people prefer to perceive change with their own eyes, ears or other senses. Yet other people prefer to follow their intuition or gut when gleaning change. It is the assiduity with which we use these perceptions to judge the change that allows a decision, learning and/or action, that is, life(!) to occur. ~ David M. Reile, Ph.D.

FOCUS ON: The Fluidity of Change

Rapid readjustment is one solution to the “one step forward two steps backward phenomenon” that often occurs in projects. Are teams accordingly equipped (e.g., with generous freedom allowance)? If yes, then employee engagement during change can continue, leading to a greater chance of success. Read More.

FOR PRACTITIONERS: Helping Clients Who Hate Their Jobs

Delighted at the outset of job, but hating to go to work now, clients are complaining to career services practitioners. Rather than helping the client search for a new job, a good look inward at the “Thought which victimises (sic) us” could lead to personal and organizational success and wellbeing. Thus, career counseling, in these cases, should focus on a change in thought rather than a change in employer. Read More.

JOB SEARCHING: No More Hiding Salaries

Once upon a time, the biggest workplace taboo was revealing one’s salary. Now, more companies are aiming for transparency in every practice, including individual pay rates. How many more companies will accept this change that job seekers have been waiting for? Read More.


Holacracy “is a new way of running an organization that removes power from a management hierarchy and distributes it across clear roles” For example, Zappos has gotten rid of all titles. Will the change that holacracy offers be sought after by job seekers?


Leaders need to overcome resistance to change – in themselves and the people (organizations) they are leading. Dr. Jim Bright, (owner Bright and Associates, Professor of Career Education and Development, Australian Catholic University, Visiting Professor of Career Development, University of Derby, UK) believes that leaders who complete a leadership course can change their attitudes. “Change Leadership models based on Complexity, Chaos Theory of Careers, Innovation and Creativity have proven to be effective in preparing Leaders to initiate change in their organisations in an environment of continual change, complexity and uncertainty.” Read More.

YOUR LIBRARY: Recent Changes in Career Counseling

“Exploring New Horizons in Career Counselling: Converting Challenges into Opportunities” (edited by Kobus Maree and Annamaria Di Fabio, 2015) gives the reader 360 pages on the evolution of career counseling in the past few decades. Read about the 21st century models, including an overview of the paradigms, critical analyses, and counselor skill development. The authors aim to “convert 21st century challenges and frontiers in career counselling into opportunities, hurt into hope, hopelessness into inspiration.” Read More.

TOP TEN: Books that Will Change the Way You Think About the Future

While we like to think that our prospects for a bright future are strong, what do the world’s writers (like Kubrick, Orwell, Bradbury from the past and Canton and Kaku of today) have to say about facing change? Read all ten.


“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” - Sigmund Freud
“Ch-ch-ch-Changes (Turn and face the strange)… Time may change me, but I can’t trace time.” - David Bowie


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Career Development Alliance, LLC
David M. Reile, Ph.D., PCC, Managing Director
Barbara H. Suddarth, Ph.D., PCC, Executive Director

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